Thank you, everyone, for reblogging our donation post as much as you did. We didn’t get anything so far, unfortunately, but we do have some of our basic cash benefits renewed (supposedly, fingers crossed… won’t know till the 1st).

Hope everyone is hanging in there.


The magic trick

inspired by a reddit thread

Also would like to point out that person the other day compared drawings to “child pornography”, even though countless survivors of human trafficking have said not to do this and that it’s disrespectful and messed up.

The current dogma certainly isn’t for who it’s said to be for. (really it’s more what dogma usually is: a socially acceptable way to be a piece of shit to everyone)

EDIT: Also, who harrasses someone while looking for donations because they’re sick and starving? People attack survivors when they’re weak and down all the time and then wanna say they’re on our side. Nope, don’t even care if you’re another survivor, you obviously don’t give a shit if you’re doing that, because you should know better.

Several good years of talking about abuse dynamics and consent and now it’s all be trashed by dogma that actually removes consent from the picture and then tries to force survivors to agree this is a good thing. You got major common triggers built right into the dogma, which is half of why it’s so effective. Very much punch to the side and punch down, but never up… at the actual abusers.



An especially magnificent unicorn of shit is people saying people making a drawing is child grooming.

As a survivor this is probably one of the most fucked and offensive things we end up having to read on this site… shit reading similar is part of what fucked up our sexuality as a kid and people looking to groom us used that shame.

Groomers love to use shame, so any time you induce it you’re helping them — and children and their sexualities are even more prone to that shame. So, if you kinkshame we hold you directly responsible for some of our experiences being groomed and molested as a child, end of story.

Tumblr is amazing. Truly, absolutely amazing. There is no other site I can go to to find someone whining that drawing child porn should be a-okay without realizing what the words they’re typing actually mean. 

Amazing. I love you tumblr. You’re so fucking shit. 

You’re speaking, but you’re not saying anything and if you don’t actually understand and haven’t been through what we’re talking about then you have zero place commenting at all. You literally are reducing the experiences and the pains of CSA survivors to “wanting to draw porn”. That is so fucking shit, but used to it. People everywhere hate survivors and children.

EDIT: Not to mention the fact that we’re talking about the fact that people are doing this with drawn porn in general and not just under age characters? Like do you people give a shit at all? Or do you just like heckling people that have been through shit?


hahahah i saw this on my phone and i’m totally bawling because it’s like “hahah cute like the movie” but he has parkinsons so like…those shoes would be really useful for a guy like him where tying your shoes is a pain in the ass?? hahaha *bawl* @_@


Nike said proceeds from shoe sales would go to the actor’s charity for Parkinson’s research” hahahah *cries forever*







i would platonic date so many people 

like fuck yeah let me take u out to a fancy restaurant let’s get dressed up and go without all the romantic involvement or anything like that it would be so nice

*Quietly raises hand* Actually what the OP was talking about is a real thing:

Source (x)

Ohhh I see what you mean! You mean 

I get it now

while friendship is the level of being friends, if it were a scale then queerplatonic would be in between friendship and a romantic relationship because there is a deeper connection than just friendship that is like the attachment level of a romantic relationship without the romantic feelings

oh ok, so like this!

“Best” is definitively singular, so doesn’t really work in this context. Also, there are different kinds of friendships. Are you thinking about the quality of your friendships or what you and the other individual are getting out of them?

Why would you hold a preference for less clarity of language?

“We could actually describe our experiences as we understand them, oooor, we could just slap some old half formed thoughts someone else wrote down in a public dictionary and hope that gets the idea across.”

Language changes with changes in culture. Most of the words people think of now as meaning one thing meant very different things in the past or simply didn’t exist at all. Language is memetic and expands exponentially to try to fill lexical gaps that people are experiencing or creating. Since all language is made up any way, you’re merely fighting progress (though those that believe the story of Babel may differ on that). Even dictionaries themselves are merely decided by a gathering of people that just get together and take invested interest in language and its usage; it’s more like a tome for monitoring its health than a rulebook of its usage.

Hell, you’re all using the same source even. If you bring out a collection of dictionaries from over the last century and a half or so you’re going to see a lot of variation and wiggle in how the language is used and formed.

Keep the dimensionality your world and thinking small, if you like, but, at best, it’s odd to expect others to want or be interested in that.

Starting to feel a little mentally and emotionally better, but still messed up physically. Need food, but gonna have to wait till later to make a decent donation post or something