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The internal conflict of loving all life, but hating all humans due to your trauma, while also loving the hell out of your friends and wishing the best for strangers.

We think we just need to admit that we are not very good at communicating with/dealing with people that are lashing out due to their triggers… we usually can’t tell what’s going on until the following day, because… well being lashed out at is triggering for us, so it’s really hard for us to think and be kind, because our brain is telling us it’s this giant horrible thing going on

Oh, even though we were upset by that pluma coming in and saying things about our thing, from what we can tell reassessing it they were most likely triggered (what they were bringing up ended up actually being off topic) and in general they are a good that means well. So please do still signal boost their posts if you would, they really are in a bad spot and need help and if they need to take a step back from us right now we don’t begrudge them that


i was about to joke about how my political stance is “end lawnmower culture” but then it occurred to me that i actually Am against lawns as suburban status symbols and wastes of land that Could be used to sustain native flora & fauna and grow food for people, but no, instead they are these huge useless swaths of land that need Constant maintenance, the process of which is not only destructive, but Incredibly Loud


The Isle is a great looking multiplayer dinosaur survival sandbox in which you can stalk and stomp your way around a Jurassic Park-style tropical island, controlling humans, dinosaurs and a third faction which has yet to be announced.

Inspired by Rust, DayZ, Jurassic Park and the ill dated The Stomping Land, The Isle pits technologically advanced humans against the brute force and speed of the primeval inhabitants of the Isle.

The Pre-Alpha Build is still very early in development so it does just offer a taster of things to come at the moment, allowing you to explore part of the beautiful tropical island, as humans or a selection of four different dinosaurs (T-Rex, Austrosaurus, Gallimimus, Puertasaurus).  The full game will add another faction, lots more dinosaurs, allow players to form groups, grow from a juvenile to a fully grown dinosaur, create bases, collect DNA, craft and investigate why the dinosaurs are here in the first place.

It’s about time dinosaurs made a comeback, and with the Jurassic World movie and ARK: Survival Evolved also due for release this year, 2015 really is turning into the year of the dinosaur.  It still needs evolve a bit, but with it’s great visuals and enticing dino-based gameplay, The Isle is a very promising prospect – a fun sandbox survivalsaurus.

Play the Pre-Alpha, Free






hey if you’re in the U.S. and use food stamps or know somebody who does i found this online cookbook that has recipes for eating well on approximately $4/day :o) 

I don’t have food stamps but I need to know how to eat well for $4/day. Thank you for this.

I love this cookbook!

Tips and tricks on how to survive being working class.

These recipes look amazing @_@





For anyone who needs to use crutches to aid their mobility but struggles with regular crutches check out smart crutch UK. These are especially good for those with Hypermobility syndrome and ehlers danlos syndrome.

I’m actually going to be getting a black pair of these and I’m so excited

A friend of mine uses these and I have tried them, they are really great! Much more comfortable and versatile than normal forearm crutches, and they give you a lot more stability than canes.

Here’s the website for North America: http://www.smartcrutchusa.com/en/