Oh, we lost all our data that we’ve had since we were like 11 so that’s a thing that happened. We were luck enough that we’d moved commission stuff to dropbox but everything else we’ve ever done that’s digital is pretty much gone as far as we can find. Already tried a bunch of data recovery stuff, nothing really much worth while was saved.


*sees an overly aggressive character who struggles to deal with emotions and as a result lashes out* thats me

an emotionally distant and spacey character who struggles to deal with
emotions and as a result represses them* that, s also me

*sees a
cheerful and boisterous character who struggles to deal with emotions
and as a result tries to be the best they can be even if it’s not
particularly dignified* woah, hey, what a coincidence,


“Everyone has anxiety sometimes.”

“Everyone is depressed sometimes.”

“Everyone is a little autistic.”

If everyone had a disability, showing symptoms of that disability would just be seen as normal human behavior, and the world would be designed with people with that disability in mind without it being seen as an accommodation. The person you’re saying that to knows it’s not true.

Oh, if we owe you work, you’ll hear from us. We can’t say when, we’re more worried about being able to take care of our basic needs right now. We’re a stickler for this though and have, mostly, kept good records. Even so we’ll still be putting out a contact form and trying to contact everyone we can, when we can. We’re a mess.

sorry if you’re someone that followed because you felt we had insightful things to say… that time is over for now; likely someday again when we’re not so sore and messed up overall we’ll be unable to button it again

allistic: I want to do this thing for you! Let me do this nice thing for you.
autistic: No thanks. You like that thing, but that thing is not nice for me. If you want to make me happy I like this other thing.
allistic: But this thing is NICE and I LOVE IT ?? You will love it!!!!!! you have to LOVE IT I badly want this to happen!!! What’s wrong with this nice thing?? Is this because you hate me. YOU don’t even UNDERSTAND the thing. Why is EVERYTHING about what you? want??? Can’t you just force yourself to enjoy the things that I like so I can enjoy you enjoying them??? CAN’T YOU JUST MAKE ME HAPPY



“video games linked to adhd” gee i wonder why ppl with adhd would be drawn to an interactive medium that fully engages your brain and gives your hands something to do at the same time. it is a mystery

I just happen to be doing extended research on this topic and yes, video games are linked to ADHD…in that they are being considered useful teaching and therapeutic tools for people with ADD, ADHD, and ASD because they’re “intrinsically motivating” and help with “social skills, fine motor skills, language skills, reading and writing, and critical thinking”! In fact, they’re theorizing that video games help make these people more social with their peers, not less. (x) Pretty neat!