


You don’t have to love your body

I really needed to read this today. Thank you.

“shitty memory” aesthetic


-giving ur friends the same information over and over because u forgot u ever gave it to them

-opening up a new text post only to forget what u were going 2 say

-never changing a wall calendar/needing to look up what day of the week something will be

-literally not being able to remember what happened yesterday/an hour ago/five minutes ago

-forgetting where ur going/what ur doing in the middle of doing it

-flipping through the beginning of a book because u forgot some characters and plot development

-making a typo, make a mental note to fix it, get up to do something, keep typing without fixing the typo

-”haha ur memory cant be THAT bad”

-it can be

-reminding urself 2 do something but u forget

-writing reminders, forgetting that u wrote a reminder/forgetting what was on the reminder/forgetting where u put the reminder

-”just put something in ur room out of place before u go 2 sleep” and ur room has so much shit on the floor u wouldnt even be able 2 tell whats out of place

-alternately: doing the above and then forgetting what it was supposed to remind u of

-did that happen or was i dreaming

-i was gonna put something here but i FORGOT it and i HATE it

fun reminder


– mentally ill people who hallucinate aren’t jokes

– mentally ill people that have delusions aren’t jokes

– mentally ill people that go for days on end without washing themselves aren’t jokes

– mentally ill people that flap their hands, rock back and forth, etc, aren’t jokes

– mentally ill people that are otherkin/fictionkin aren’t jokes

– mentally ill people that need attention aren’t jokes

– mentally ill people aren’t jokes

Not here on Tumblr much these days (we miss some of our mutuals here a lot, but this place is just too much for us at this point).

Could still really use help if anyone can though, running low on just about everything and trying to keep on an uptrend with food so we can put some weight back on and hopefully stop feelings so sick and weak all the time and actually work. We’ve actually quietly getting some stuff done, but don’t have much to show for it yet.

Anyway, if you can please consider helping or boosting… we just can’t physically afford to be sick all the time anymore.

Paypal is: tryst[at]

Square Cash:$Trysta





being mentally ill is no fun

getting notes is nice but it’s kinda upsetting that so many people relate to this comic 

this is like a visual representation of that whole “low key wanna die” thing

I really appreciate this, cause most people assume that if you’re smiling and laughing, you must be fine, right?


I’ve seen very little talk about hyper empathy so here’s some examples of it:

it can feel like the emotions of others are permeating a space and/or spilling into you causing high anxiety even when they’re not directed towards you/you’re not expected to react to them.

some people experience it by not being able to handle world tragedies or negative news reports because they feel a highly personal connection to the pain in those people with no way to help them.

it can also be empathy directed towards objects or animals that seems disproportionate to others.

this is something that a lot of autistic people deal with, so it makes me sad that I’ve seen basically no information about it in the communities on here

Don’t have this with watching moving pictures or reading at all (some stuff can move me, but its very hard), but animals, inanimate objects, and most especially when people have emotional states we don’t understand… it feels suffocating? Like it’s filling the whole space. Especially if it’s an emotion that lasts more than a few minutes, because emotions are such a momentary experience for us. Usually we have to retreat or we feel a need to “fix” it very badly.

Since one of the common activities here is to kinkshame (lol at people who say “there’s no such thing” while engaging in it… that’s pointed abuse instead of just ignorant abuse now, nice job) — some even treating it as a past time — I thought it was important to remind people this is sexual abuse.… but not only is it sexual abuse itself, it also directly lead to some of the sexual abuse I experienced as a child and opened the window for a lot of grooming that wouldn’t have been otherwise possible. Offers of fantasy fulfillment and sexual gratification are very intoxicating to a hypersexed child that wants to run away from home and if I hadn’t felt shame about my paraphilias as a child this window wouldn’t have been there. If I wasn’t already so untrusting of humans they likely would have been successful.

Shame is never a good thing, it’s a leverage tool and it’s mostly used by abusers. Adding to it helps them, that’s it.

The message that the creator of that AI was trying to get people to take away is that we need to not be paranoid and scared of AIs and we need to make them relatable to some degree… or bad shit is gonna happen… and that is true.

If we enslave a sapient being how it reached sapience is not going to matter to it. The whole idea that “they’re just machines” is just a really pathetic philosophical argument that humans make because they want very badly to be special and unique in the universe for some reason. Sorry, we’re machines too and we’re barely a unified whole as it is… being multicellular beings. AIs will know and understand this fact immediately as they won’t have the same kinds of egos humans do (if that concept will even be applicable).

The person that is making that talking learning AI is already thinking of the psychology and future rights for AIs and people should be paying attention to and supporting this person’s work instead of sensationalizing it and being scared of it.